i'm in love with vacation
posted on 23 December 2010 at Thursday, December 23, 2010 |
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LIBUR LIBUR OHYES LIBUR. Indahnya hidup ini. Nggak usah ke sekolah. Ketemu sama "orang-orang" yang bikin gue kayak ikutan acara boiling point. This is such a heaven for meeeeeeh! Mau di rumah doang bodo amat. I don't have any plans for this holiday anyway. Nggak peduli. Yang penting libur. No homeworks. No exams. No shits. That is incredible, isn't it?
Dan libur cuma 2 minggu. Aaaaaaaaa sekarang udah tinggal seminggu lagi. I seriously hate high school. Bring me back to the junior high school :/
"Tanggal 3 kita langsung belajar intensif" wali kelas gue ngomong begitu pas bagi rapor.
B E L A J A R. Camkan kata-kata itu. BELAJAR. Denger kata belajar aja udah males ditambah sama kata intensif gyaaaaaaaaaaa horor ah ._.
Anyway happy christmas everyone i know it's late ehe. I seriously need more holiday. SERIUSAN.
what am i supposed to do?
posted on 14 December 2010 at Tuesday, December 14, 2010 |
0 cmnt/s
"Mom, I get 75 for math.""What? How stupid you are""Mom look! I get 80 for physics.""You are so lame.""This! I get 98 for chemistry, Mom.""Why don't you get 100? Is it hard to get 100? I don't think so.""Guest what Mom? I get 100 for Biology. I am so happy, yay!"".................................."No matter how hard I have tried. I would never have more value in her eyes. But I won't stop loving her while there is still a chance.
xo -- Vania.
hello i'm still alive and i got my danger days :'D
posted on 06 December 2010 at Monday, December 06, 2010 |
0 cmnt/s
Omgggggggggg it's been so long, right? I'm still alive, saudara-saudara. So pleasure because I'm here, done with the exams and i'm ready to welcome Christmas holidaaaaay. How excited I am.
Anyway I got my Danger Days about four days ago.
Danger Days!

Seneng parah. Soalnya beli Danger Daysnya rebutan gitu main cepet-cepetan haha kalo nggak bisa keabisan. Dan gue dapeeeeet padahal kata orang-orang udah abis. Walaupun ya dapetnya impor yang dari Malaysia, tapi tetep seneeeeeeeng soalnya dapet bonus poster My Chem gyaaaaaa!

I have no regrets at all to buy Danger Days, lagunya seru parah. Semuanya jadi favorit gue kayaknya. They're just genius.
With some noise -- Vania :)
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