posted on 24 September 2010 at Friday, September 24, 2010 |
0 cmnt/s
ABCDEFGHIJKLQWERTGX;FGBG I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW ALBUM! And I was kinda shocked when I read Frank Iero's blog. Because he put the new songs from the new album of
My Chemical Romance. Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan! I was like "
OH EM GEE WHAT IT NAMES?! THIS IS EXTRAORDINARY!" hahahaha. And I think, the content of Frank's blog was effin' funny. Click
here if you want to read. Dammit! Frank Iero just changed my bad mood today. Oh thank you Fwaaaaaaank :3
Sooooooooooooo, the songs are :
1. Look Alive, Sunshine2. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)3. Bulletproof Heart4. SING5. Planetary (GO!)6. The Only Hope For Me is You7. Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid/Traffic Report8. Party Poison9. Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back10. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W11. Summertime12. DESTROYA13. The Kids From Yesterday14. Goodnite, Dr. Death15. Vampire MoneyGYAAAAA GYAAAAA GYAAAAA CAN'T YOU SEE? THEY HAVE 15 SONGS!!!!! IT'S GREAT, SERIOUSLY. I'm curious with the new songs especially "Vampire Money", it sounds so cool.
Killjoys, make some noise!
posted on 19 September 2010 at Sunday, September 19, 2010 |
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I think you guys know what will i talk about. Yes, it's about the new album of My Chemical Romance. My favorite band all the time! I saw the trailer about two days ago. And it made my day, seriously. I am feeling so glad right now. They are backkkkkkkkkk! They are totally different! They're be themselves. No more costumes or something like that. I heart this! Awwwwwwwww don't know what to say. I can't effin wait about the new album. They will give us many surprises.
Want some from the trailer? I'll give you :D

I do love mikey's hair!
Why he is so hot? No answers hahaha

Look at Frank's mask! Gaaaawd that's frankenstein mask!!!!

fairytale is wonderful
posted on 11 September 2010 at Saturday, September 11, 2010 |
0 cmnt/s

I need the fairytale. I don't feel the fairytale. Sometimes the fairytale is much better than this life. I mean, something's wrong. Or probably I'm wrong.